Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sick Again...

Last Wednesday Sophie got sick so we took her to the doctor. Thankfully, she didn't have RSV again... but she has a bronchial virus. We have to give her breathing treatments twice a day. They are the worst thing I've ever had to do. It makes me cry every time we do them :(

At her appointment on Wednesday she weighed 11 lbs 15 oz and yesterday at her checkup she was 12 lbs 12 oz! So she is starting to feel a lot better. Last week she was barley eating anything cause she didn't feel good... but now she's getting back to being a great eater. They are having us do the breathing treatments for another week. So, hopefully she'll be all better in a few days :)

Aunt Brookie

Sophie meeting Aunt Brookie for the first time :) Sophie loves her Auntie Brooke!

Swim Suit!!

Grandma got Sophie the CUTEST swimming suit! But, she hasn't been able to wear it yet in this yucky weather! So, I had to put it on her today just to see how cute it was!

And here is a video of her practicing her swimming... I can't figure out how to rotate it!

Loves Bath Time!

Here's a video of when I let her lay in the tub and splash around. She wasn't splashing and cooing as much as she normally does cause she was distracted by the video camera :)

Bath Time with Sugar Plum!

Little Miss Sophie LOVES her bath!! Since she came home from the hospital she has gotten bathed and hair washed twice a day (sometimes more!) Even when she was in the NICU the nurses bathed her every other day and I would go down on her "off" days and give her a bath. She loves them! I never did the sponge baths... except for the night she was born. Even with her umbilical cord on, I would submerge her in the water (the NICU nurses did it too). And her cord fell off at 3 weeks. She has never had dry skin or cradle cap... So I'm going to keep doing it :) Plus... she smells SO good!!

In her PJ's about to get in the bath :)

In her bather...

Then, after I get her hair washed and body washed... I drain some of the water out and let her lie on her back all by herself. She splashes and splashes!
Drying off in her princess towel
And sucking her toes while she gets lotioned, powdered, diapered, dressed, and her hair gelled :)

The finished product!

7 weeks old

Sophie's Pictures she had taken Feb 24. I love her!

Fun Times with Grandma and Blessing

I had to go back to work for 3 weeks full-time for insurance reasons. So my mom was more than happy to come in town to watch Sophie :) She was here from Feb 19- March 12. It was so hard going back to work! I missed my little peanut so much! Sophie had her 2 month appointment on March 9. She was 10 lbs 9 oz. 22 1/2 inches.

This was her 2 month checkup. And we found out she had RSV :(

You can tell in this picture she doesn't feel well at all...

Also, while my mom was in town, she mastered sucking her thumb :)

With daddy at her check-up...

Little sailor girl for church...

Blessing Day

Sophie was blessed February 21. She was blessed in my sister Brooke's blessing dress. She looked so cute! On her slip underneath, my mom had someone embroider her name and blessing date on it. It looked darling!

January 28- February 5

When Sophie was 3 weeks old she took her first plane ride! We flew to Indianapolis to surprise my mom for her birthday. Soph did so good on the plane! She slept the whole time and everyone was just dying over how good and cute she was!

Days in the NICU