Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bath Time with Sugar Plum!

Little Miss Sophie LOVES her bath!! Since she came home from the hospital she has gotten bathed and hair washed twice a day (sometimes more!) Even when she was in the NICU the nurses bathed her every other day and I would go down on her "off" days and give her a bath. She loves them! I never did the sponge baths... except for the night she was born. Even with her umbilical cord on, I would submerge her in the water (the NICU nurses did it too). And her cord fell off at 3 weeks. She has never had dry skin or cradle cap... So I'm going to keep doing it :) Plus... she smells SO good!!

In her PJ's about to get in the bath :)

In her bather...

Then, after I get her hair washed and body washed... I drain some of the water out and let her lie on her back all by herself. She splashes and splashes!
Drying off in her princess towel
And sucking her toes while she gets lotioned, powdered, diapered, dressed, and her hair gelled :)

The finished product!

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