Friday, February 4, 2011

We love you, Mherra!

I have been avoiding writing this post because it makes me so sad. Our sweet Mimi dog got hit by a car last week. I'm not even kidding, it felt like we lost a family member. We adopted her in August of 2009. Everyone was skeptical (and by skeptical I mean condemning) that we adopted a pit bull while I was 5 months pregnant. However, we knew she was perfect for our family. She minded well, slept all day, protected our family, played with Soph, and adored Cory. She was all around a good doggy. The night she died was devastating. I'm not sure the last time I cried that hard. And seeing poor Cory so sad nearly broke my heart. They were the best buddies. I am super glad we adopted her though. We gave her and extra year and a half of life that she probably wouldn't have had if we didn't adopt her.

We love you Mherra!
Cory will miss playing hide and seek with you.
Sophie will miss laying on you and giving you fruit loops
I'll miss sharing my popcorn with you.

1 comment:

Emily Hartvigsen said...

So sad! I'm so sorry to hear you lost her.